Thursday, December 15, 2016

Deer Ridge Kitchen Renovation

We are just finishing up on an amazing kitchen renovation this week....and I am sooooo excited to show you the before/after.  Who doesn't love a good before and after?!

I initially met with these clients back in May to start the design process.  I took cues from their existing style, as I had worked on other decorating projects with them in the past.  The demo started the first week of November with the intention of having it complete before Christmas....and we made it!

This was the BEFORE....

The cabinets were dated and the layout wasn't functional.  We had originally wanted to add an island, but as you can see, there was little room in the existing U-shaped layout.

And these are the AFTER!

Amazing change!  Brighter space and more functional storage.  Way more counter space......and we even managed to incorporate a peninsula.

It turned out so well....and the clients are super happy!  
