Thursday, January 7, 2016

Resolutions for my home.

I am a huge believer of New Year's resolutions.  There is something about setting goals for the year that makes me giddy. I will admit that most of them are usually related to health and wellness, but I always have a few that are specific to the design and organization of my home.

My most favourite resolution (all year long) is to EDIT!!!  Declutter my home, room by room.  If there is a drawer or closet that has items that havn't been touched for the past year...I donate them.  A clear, edited home brings calmness. Ohm.

Use it or lose it.

Buy less, but Buy better.  Refrain from buying that 10th throw pillow because it is on sale.  Save up and get that one pillow that will make a statement....made of quality fabric and beautiful down feathers.

La Fiorentina Black

Decide on SPECIFIC PROJECTS that I want to finish by the end of the year.  Design a gallery wall of family photos in my family room.  Create a cozy reading nook in the corner of my bedroom. Or add touches of gold accents to the living room.

Meg Biram's modern yet warm reading nook is a book reader's dream!:

And when I'm done....I'll place a BIG CHECK MARK  next to my goal.  Isn't that's the best feeling!

Do you have any resolutions for your home?

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