Thursday, February 2, 2017


Hygge.....pronounced (hue-gah) is a Danish concept that has become more recognized internationally in the past year.  The word does not have a direct English translation, but describes a feeling or mood of cosiness, charm, happiness, contentness, security and simpleness.  It is the idea of creating a warm atmosphere, slowing down, taking pleasure and enjoying the good things in life with good people.  This may explain why the Danes are considered the happiest people in the world.

Hygge in the Home is a cosy room filled with candles, company and good food.  Winter is the high time for Hygge.  Sitting by the fire with a warm cup of tea and woolen socks, baking warm cinnamon buns, visiting with family and friends, watching tv under a duvet are all examples of Hygge.

I'm definitely intrigued by this concept and plan to do a little more research on the subject...possibly reading one of the many books that have come out on the market this past year....

I think us Northern Canadians will have no problem embracing the art of Hygge!


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