Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy Friday!  Well.....I made it through the first full week of 2017....yay! We are definitely easing into the new year over here...just the way I like it. The girls are back in school and we are back to some form of routine. 
I am a HUGE goal-setting girl.  I force it on my family as well....I'm sure they will appreciate it one day. Ha!  In keeping with the goals/resolutions for January, I thought I would focus on storage ideas for the first Friday Favourites of the year.  Many resolutions consist of some form of organization goals....mine included.  Pop on over to the online shop to check out more storage ideas.

A few other things that caught my eye this week.....

I love Gretchen Rubin's new book Better than Before.....her interview with Goop is really great. Making-Keeping Resolutions.....Habits!!!

I love reading new decorating blogs.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


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