Thursday, January 19, 2017

Resolve to LOVE your home in 2017

Are you having a difficult time finding a New Years Resolution that you know you can stick with? One that won't be forgotten by January 15th?  If this is the case....I'm here to help!!

Let's all resolve to LOVE our homes in 2017!  Many of my clients ask me what they can do to fall in love with their home again.  They have been in the house for several years and the magic is no longer feels dated and cluttered.  Here are a few tips I can give you to fall back in love with your home.


This is a big one to start with, but it is essential to PURGE your home before you can make it pretty and functional.  It will feel overwhelming at first, but take it one room at a time.  One week at a time, one month at a time.  Try starting with the kitchen and the main living area. Go through every drawer, cabinet, shelf in the room.  The best thing to do is to empty the room completely.....and go through objects one by one.  Decide if you will donate, trash or keep the item. A rule of thumb....if you haven't used something in the past year, it should be gone (in most situations). Once those spaces are complete, head into the bathrooms and bedrooms.  Leave unused areas till last....this allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment right away.


Paint is the one thing I always suggest to clients when they are craving a change.  Its amazing how this simple change can transform a room immediately......and for not a lot of money.  9 times out of 10, I will suggest my client go a few shades lighter than what they currently have on the walls. Dark walls are great in certain areas of the home, but lighter, brighter colours bring life back into the kitchen and living areas.  And no, it doesn't have to be white....but a neutral colour is recommended.


Where do I start when I want to start decorating my home?  First things first....find inspiration!  This is the first thing I ask my clients to do before we meet up.  I ask them to go through magazines, Pinterest, google images, facebook and design blogs (like mine ).....anywhere they may find inspiration.  Inspiration is not only found in home and garden magazines either....inspiration can be found in clothing, architecture, garden magazines,  tv shows or movies.   Having a jumping off point is the first step to figuring out your colour scheme and overall style.

I guarantee that if you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to LOVING your home again. Lets do this!!


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