Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Decorating tips for the Ultimate Bedroom Retreat

For most of us, our bedroom becomes our retreat at the end of a long day.  So, with this in mind, we want the space to be calming and uncluttered.  I suggest to "under decorate".....meaning, don't make the space too busy.  "Less is more" in your bedroom sanctuary.

As always, before I decorate a space, I purge.  Start with a clean slate.  Your bedroom should not be a dumping ground for old clothes waiting to go to goodwill or stacks of bills or loads of unfolded laundry.  Make your bedroom a clutter-free zone.

Elliot Brass Button Headboard

Choose a paint colour that is calming and not too dramatic.  I like to stick to light neutral colours. Let the bedding and accessories do the heavy lifting!

It's no surprise blue is one of the most popular bedroom colours, the hue is ultra calming and cooling (perfect for getting a good night's sleep).

Choose furniture pieces from different collections. For instance, the dresser/nightstands can be a different material than the bed frame, as in the photo below.  It adds layers to the design of the room.


Instead of bright, bold bedding and drapery, keep to neutrals with an added textural interest.  All white bedding doesn't have to be stark if it is layered with a wool blanket and faux fur pillows. Texture adds the cosy factor!


We are aiming for a santuary.....not a hotel room.  Make sure to add some personal touches.  A great way to accomplish this is with artwork.  Choose pieces that have meaning to you.  A particular painting or artist that you like.....or maybe a gallery wall of family photos.  This is where you can get a little creative.

pinterest // shannonleftwich #house #bedroom #diy

A bedroom retreat is the ultimate in luxury.....enjoy your personal get away.

love your home,

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